Search results for: 'stainless speed mild from 7085 78950 789'
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No exact results found for: 'stainless speed mild from 7085 78950 789' . The displayed items are the closest matches.
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stainless steel mild from 7035 78950 780
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stainless steel mild from 7085 78950 780
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stainless steel more for 7500 liter agit
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double jacket: 4,0 bar
max. excess pressure:2,0 bar
vacuum:1,0 bar
output speed:3.000 rpm
power:5.5 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.100 mm
cylindrical height: 800 mm
diameter inside: 700 mm
diameter outside: 930 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
double jacket: 10,0 bar
max. excess pressure:6,0 bar
vacuum:1,0 bar
documents available:
total height: 2.350 mm
cylindrical height: 1.330 mm
diameter inside: 1.000 mm
diameter outside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
double jacket
max. excess pressure:2,0 bar
vacuum:0,8 bar
output speed:489 rpm
power:2.5 KW
total height: 4.500 mm
cylindrical height: 2.250 mm
diameter inside: 1.980 mm
diameter outside: 2.250 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
double jacket: 10,0 bar
max. excess pressure:1,7 bar
total height: 1.600 mm
cylindrical height: 700 mm
diameter inside: 1.000 mm
diameter outside: 1.120 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
total height: 1.220 mm
cylindrical height: 930 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
14 pieces on stock
total height: 1.310 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
15 pieces on stock
output speed:0-275 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.680 mm
cylindrical height: 938 mm
total width: 1.268 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
output speed:0-275 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.780 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
total width: 873 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
2 pieces on stock
output speed:300-3000 rpm
power:At 6 bar 2,7 KW
documents available:
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
agitator:anchor agitator
output speed:0-12 rpm
power:0.75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.720 mm
cylindrical height: 938 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
2 pieces on stock
output speed:1.410 rpm
power:4.0 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.800 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
total width: 873 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
agitator:anchor agitator
output speed:0-23 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.780 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
3 pieces on stock
double jacket: 5,0 bar
documents available:
total height: 1.220 mm
total width: 1.260 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
17 pieces on stock
double jacket: 5,0 bar
documents available:
total height: 1.310 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
16 pieces on stock
output speed:1.410 rpm
power:4,0 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.720 mm
cylindrical height: 938 mm
total width: 1.268 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
double jacket: 5,0 bar
output speed:0-275 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.680 mm
cylindrical height: 938 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
agitator:blade agitator
output speed:0 - 85 rpm
power:0.75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.750 mm
cylindrical height: 938 mm
total width: 1.268 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
double jacket: 5,0 bar
agitator:anchor agitator
output speed:0-12 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.720 mm
cylindrical height: 938 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
double jacket: 5,0 bar
output speed:0-275 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.780 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
agitator:blade agitator
output speed:0 - 85 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.850 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
double jacket: 5,0 bar
agitator:anchor agitator
output speed:0-23 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.780 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
2 pieces on stock
double jacket: 5,0 bar
agitator:blade agitator
output speed:0 - 85 rpm
power:0,75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.750 mm
cylindrical height: 938 mm
total width: 1.268 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
1 on Stock
double jacket: 5,0 bar
agitator:blade agitator
output speed:0 - 85 rpm
power:0.75 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.750 mm
cylindrical height: 1.034 mm
total width: 873 mm
diameter inside: 820 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT
double jacket: 5,0 bar
output speed:1.410 rpm
power:4.0 KW
documents available:
total height: 1.650 mm
cylindrical height: 938 mm
total width: 1.268 mm
diameter inside: 1.200 mm
Price per piece, excl. VAT